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Management Framework

PLM Management Framework

PLM i4.0 organises the management framework process

The project management framework (PM framework) is a subset of tasks, processes, tools and templates used in combination by the management team to gain insight into the key structural elements of the project in order to initiate, plan, execute, control, monitor and manage the project. Accompany project activities throughout the management life cycle.

In the organisation section you will find all modules that support the engineering process. In addition to the technical project management, the process-relevant data are supplemented here. Supported by defined processes, a room-oriented allocation can be carried out via facility management. All documents relating to the project are recorded either in document management or, if digital documents are not yet available, in file management.

PMS Project Management / Lots and interfaces / Claim Management

PLM-PMS stands for successfully completed projects, which must be smoothly coordinated, especially from the technical side, in order to be profitable. The PLM PMS module is the heart of technical project management, where the framework parameters for successful project management are defined. All project-relevant information can be managed and controlled centrally here.

  • PClaim management, QM board, DC controlling, trend analysis
  • PSub-projects, work packages, tasks, to-dos, lots, delivery limits
  • PCost centres, cost units, cost trend, target/actual milestones
  • PDeadline monitoring, project status report, status report, compressed change & approval procedure (PCS file) converge here

A project is much bigger than the sum of its technical documentation. Why has the release been delayed? Why was a change made? Who initiated this? When was this decision taken? And based on what information? What status did the change request refer to?

  • PStructuring and monitoring of the project in lots, work packages, delivery limits and interfaces
  • PAssign contact persons and responsibilities
  • PDefine the logos, project keys, cover and tag sheets to be used
  • PRelease standards, components and catalogues, pipe classes for use in the project
  • PCost estimation already in basic engineering for piping, equipment and MSR components
  • PDefine standards for your lists and commissioning protocols
  • PPurchasing Requisitions (BANF) through the connection to the process engineering database
  • PAvoid duplicate orders and unnecessary costs.
  • PMonitoring the status between orders and deliveries
  • PKeep an eye on possible claims
  • POrganising the life cycle of project documentation from the very beginning
  • PWith PMS it is already known today which approvals will be needed tomorrow and even the day after tomorrow
  • PAnalyses of the current status, simply by pressing a button, the database will answer your questions at any time
DMS - Document requirement

The consistent application of the DMS functionalities allows a compilation of the required documents to be derived from other, similar projects when planning new projects. The implementation of documentation guidelines also generates an extensive need for documents. In PLM DMS, there are various ways of declaring the document requirement, either via similar units (sub-units), similar projects or simply via DMS templates in the form of Excel-based document requirement lists. Document requirement lists can also be used to automatically assign number ranges of different units to specific documents.

Documents from another project can be created in DMS as document requirements in the new project or the documents can be copied directly. The drawing transitions are preserved intelligently as far as possible. Documents from this pool, including virtual ones, are created in DMS and the designations from the pool are transferred in several languages if required.

This approach results in considerable time savings during project execution.

Via a PCS exchange, databases and documents in different formats (dwg, pdf etc.) with their metadata and the possibly linked PDE objects (TAG-No. / KKS / RDS-PP etc.) and their metadata can be transferred.

  • PEXCEL transfer: A supplier registers his document number requirement via Excel. You read in this Excel file and create the corresponding virtual document set in your document requirement. You send the document numbers generated in the DMS back to the supplier to create the documents.
  • PStructured PCS transfer: A supplier registers his document number requirement via Excel. After reading in this Excel list, a corresponding document record is created in DMS as a structured PCS data container (Planet Control System) for transferring documents & database. The PCS file containing the created document numbers is sent back to the supplier. The supplier's documents can now be entered there and linked within the PCS file if required. The PCS file is then returned and the data is automatically read into the leading PLM-PLANET project in a structured way.

Via a PCS exchange, databases and documents in different formats (dwg, pdf etc.) with their metadata and the possibly linked PDE objects (TAG-No. / KKS / RDS-PP etc.) and their metadata can be transferred.

Latest Product News:
VGB Kurztexte um alternative Kurztexte erweitern
Extend VGB short texts with alternative short texts
Revisionshistorie bei der Rücknahme einer Revision beibehalten
Retain revision history when withdrawing a revision
PLM Office Übersichtsfenster Zeitraumeinstellung
PLM Office Overview Window Period Setting
Pfade in ACAD / PLM Referenzmanager und Topic ADT in Navisworks
Paths in ACAD / PLM Reference Manager and Topic ADT in Navisworks
Rück-Transmittal aus einem Eingangs-Transmittal
Return transmittal from an input transmittal
DMS Erweiterung Mehrfachzuweisung zu einem ToDo
DMS extension Multiple assignment to a ToDo
Die Label der Vorgänge je Vorgangstype und Sprache
The label of the processes per process type and language
DMS – kontrollierter Applikationsstart
DMS - controlled application start
Navisworks Revisionierung in DMS
Navisworks revision in DMS
Transmittal aus der PLM E-Mail mit DMS Dokumenten erzeugen
Create Transmittal from PLM e-mail with DMS documents
DMS Schnellsuche
DMS Quick Search
DMS Export Erweiterung
DMS Export Extension
Transmittal Eingang
Transmittal input
Aufgaben im „ToDo Redlining“ erhalten eine Primärfarben Zuordnung
Tasks in "ToDo Redlining" receive a primary colour assignment
Umbenennen von PDE Objekten
Rename PDE objects
Typenzuordnung des ToDo Verfahren mit Ablage der Reports zur Revision oder Version
Type assignment of the ToDo procedure with storage of the reports for revision or version
Mehrere L & L Reports zu einem Datencontainer
Several L & L reports for one data container
ToDo Admin (TA) und Aufgabenverantwortliche (AV) im WF
ToDo Admin (TA) and Task Responsible (AV) in WF
ToDo für eigene Zeichnungskommentare und Freigabe Status
ToDo for own drawing comments and release status
PLM Office Post aus DMS
PLM Office Post from DMS
Change Request CR durch Vorgang-Aktenzeichen in DMS einbringen
Bring Change Request CR into DMS by process file number
PLM-DMS/DCI – DCC Favoriten
PLM-DMS/DCI – DCC Favoriten
Document Control Konfigurationen auf andere Projekte übertragen
Transfer Document Control configurations to other projects
Steuerung von temporären Zugriffsrechten über ein ToDo
Control of temporary access rights via a ToDo
Optimierte Darstellung der PLM Office Fristen
Optimised display of PLM Office deadlines
PLM 3D Anpassung für die Anschluss Möglichkeit „aufgesetztes Rohr“
PLM 3D adaptation for the connection option "attached tube"
DMS und ToDo Listen erhalten das IDC Interface Document Control Verfahren
DMS and ToDo lists receive the IDC Interface Document Control procedure
PLM Office – Erweiterte Funktionalität der Aktenzeichen
PLM Office - Extended functionality of the file number
PLM Office – Anpassungen – Strukturbaum aus PLM DMS Auswahlsätze
PLM Office - Modifications - Structure tree from PLM DMS selection sets
PLM DMS – DCC – Vorlagenüberwachen durch das Quelldokument
PLM DMS - DCC - Template monitoring by the source document
PLM 3D / ISOGEN – PISOGEN – Erweiterung zur Generierung von Leitungsgruppe
PLM 3D / ISOGEN - PISOGEN - Extension for generating piping groups
PLM DMS kann jetzt analoge Stempel rechtegesteuert in PDF-Dokumente einfügen
PLM DMS can now insert analogue stamps into PDF documents right-controlled
PLM-DMS/DCI – DCC Favoriten
PLM DMS/DCI - DCC Favourites
PLM DMS – DC Phasen Controlling verbindet Dokumentenphase und Dokumentenzweck
PLM DMS - DC Phasen Controlling combines document phase and document purpose
PLM PDE – Statusmeldung projektkonformer Norm- und ICS Bauteilauswahl
PLM PDE - Status report of project-conform standard and ICS component selection
PLM – Neues Excel Plugin zur Übergabe von PLM Datenbankfelder
PLM - New Excel plugin for transferring PLM database fields
PLM DMS – Archivierung von Korrekturprozessen im Revisions-Freigabeverfahren
PLM DMS - archiving of correction processes in the revision-release procedure
PLM DMS – Erweiterung des DMS Revisions-Freigabeverfahren
PLM DMS - Extension of the DMS revision release procedure
PLM DMS – Neues Word Plugin zur Übergabe von PLM Datenbankfelder
PLM DMS - New Word Plugin for transferring PLM database fields
PLM 3D – Erweiterung des 3D Schnellentwurf mit Stücklistenausgabe
PLM 3D - Extension of the 3D quick design with parts list output
PLM Office / DMS – Angleichung der Strukturbäume in PLM Office und PLM-DMS
PLM Office / DMS - alignment of the structure trees in PLM Office and PLM-DMS
Raumabwicklungen mit Zuweisung von Belastungsstufen auf einem Flächenraster
Space development with allocation of load levels on a surface grid
DMS - Document Controlling

DC phases:
In order not to lose the overview of the progress of the individual documents as a project manager, all DMS documents of a project are managed in a controlled manner over a project sequence. The project execution (revision procedure) is controlled via the project phases.
The tree for the Document controlling phases is generated from the DocWorkState and the document purpose, the numbering results from this and determines the sequence.

The following elements are available

DC phases

  • PP = phase (stands for a project phase)
  • PA = Action (stands for processing / checking step)


  • PBasic engineering
  • PConstruction
  • PDetail engineering

Document purpose

  • PInternal audit
  • PPreliminary examination
  • PVP attestation

In the examples you can see how DC phase controlling creates this connection.

Example of a phase:

  • PComposition: DC phases + DocWorkState
  • PResult: P DC phases + 1. Basic engineering = P-1. Basic engineering

Example of an action:

  • PComposition: DC phases + DocWorkState + document purpose
  • PResult: A DC phases + 1st basic engineering + 1st internal test = A-1.1 internal test
DMS document management system

PLM-DMS manages the work processes and documents to optimise the efficiency and quality improvement processes of your projects in the process industry. Use the specialised optimisation potential of this document management system.
All data of complex plants and their planning processes are available at the push of a button in the current planning status. Regardless of whether you are planning small compact plants or large power plants, PLM-DMS equips you perfectly for the fast-moving future markets.

  • PSupply and Logistics
  • PCommercial Project Management
  • PTechnical Project Management
  • PConstruction and Assembly
  • PQuality Management
FAD Document Organization

The demands on plant documentation are constantly increasing. In addition, systems within the framework of Industry 4.0 must provide more and more detailed information in ever more complex structures and formats. One of the greatest challenges is to be able to provide uniform documentation that meets the constantly increasing demands.
This is where FAD comes in. Not only are you able to manage your paper documentation, you are also able to manage PLM documentation as well as any external documentation with just one single tool

  • PDo not just combine your paper documentation and your electronic documentation, integrate any third-party documentation.
  • PYour supplier has only provided you with a file system? Simply integrate it into your documentation. FAD automatically shows you new files, changed files or even duplicates.
  • PCreate a uniform appearance for your documentation. Use the options to generate spines, tables of contents and cover pages in a uniform way.
  • PKeep track of the content, storage locations and loan status of your paper documentation.
  • PDo you have a question about a specific technical component? With FAD you can easily find everything about this component.
  • PIs your documentation complete? Is every component and assembly sufficiently documented? FAD shows you possible gaps in the documentation at the push of a button.
  • PKeep an overview of open redlines and to-dos. Stay up to date on which changes have been made, when and by whom in your documentation.
  • PMake use of synergies. Integrate your maintenance and operations directly. Release the necessary documentation in an FAD portal. Changes and conversions are incorporated directly into your documentation.
  • PUse the integration of your process engineering database
FLM Facility Management

PLM-FLM is a facility management tool for the organisation of infrastructural information. The advantage of this solution lies in the possibility of using identification systems from the plant construction industry, such as KKS or RDS-PP.
PLM-FLM closes the gap that usually exists between location-based and process-related plant identification, data, procedures and documents of entire production plants.

  • PGroup and sites, rooms and storage locations
  • PInventory management, job description
  • PRoom and installation location Marking
  • Pconsumption billing, effective land use
  • PHigh resource utilisation

The PLM FLM module helps you to manage your rooms, facilities and inventory. You receive a fault message, you know in which technical area of an installation the fault is located. But where is the component physically located? In which building and at what altitude is it installed? Use FLM to increase the value of your 3D model even further.

  • PManage your buildings, rooms and storage locations across the entire group.
  • PUse the possibilities of your licence plate system (e.g. KKS, RDS-PP etc.) and experience the advantages and synergies of a 3D system with fully integrated database.
  • PConnect your documentation to FLM. Find components not only through your documents, but also through their installation locations.
  • PUse the connection to your process engineering database to discover completely new possibilities. Identify details where others are still in the basic planning stage.
Latest Product News:
VGB Kurztexte um alternative Kurztexte erweitern
Extend VGB short texts with alternative short texts
Revisionshistorie bei der Rücknahme einer Revision beibehalten
Retain revision history when withdrawing a revision
PLM Office Übersichtsfenster Zeitraumeinstellung
PLM Office Overview Window Period Setting
Pfade in ACAD / PLM Referenzmanager und Topic ADT in Navisworks
Paths in ACAD / PLM Reference Manager and Topic ADT in Navisworks
Rück-Transmittal aus einem Eingangs-Transmittal
Return transmittal from an input transmittal
DMS Erweiterung Mehrfachzuweisung zu einem ToDo
DMS extension Multiple assignment to a ToDo
Die Label der Vorgänge je Vorgangstype und Sprache
The label of the processes per process type and language
DMS – kontrollierter Applikationsstart
DMS - controlled application start
Navisworks Revisionierung in DMS
Navisworks revision in DMS
Transmittal aus der PLM E-Mail mit DMS Dokumenten erzeugen
Create Transmittal from PLM e-mail with DMS documents
DMS Schnellsuche
DMS Quick Search
DMS Export Erweiterung
DMS Export Extension
Transmittal Eingang
Transmittal input
Aufgaben im „ToDo Redlining“ erhalten eine Primärfarben Zuordnung
Tasks in "ToDo Redlining" receive a primary colour assignment
Umbenennen von PDE Objekten
Rename PDE objects
Typenzuordnung des ToDo Verfahren mit Ablage der Reports zur Revision oder Version
Type assignment of the ToDo procedure with storage of the reports for revision or version
Mehrere L & L Reports zu einem Datencontainer
Several L & L reports for one data container
ToDo Admin (TA) und Aufgabenverantwortliche (AV) im WF
ToDo Admin (TA) and Task Responsible (AV) in WF
ToDo für eigene Zeichnungskommentare und Freigabe Status
ToDo for own drawing comments and release status
PLM Office Post aus DMS
PLM Office Post from DMS
Change Request CR durch Vorgang-Aktenzeichen in DMS einbringen
Bring Change Request CR into DMS by process file number
PLM-DMS/DCI – DCC Favoriten
PLM-DMS/DCI – DCC Favoriten
Document Control Konfigurationen auf andere Projekte übertragen
Transfer Document Control configurations to other projects
Steuerung von temporären Zugriffsrechten über ein ToDo
Control of temporary access rights via a ToDo
Optimierte Darstellung der PLM Office Fristen
Optimised display of PLM Office deadlines
PLM 3D Anpassung für die Anschluss Möglichkeit „aufgesetztes Rohr“
PLM 3D adaptation for the connection option "attached tube"
DMS und ToDo Listen erhalten das IDC Interface Document Control Verfahren
DMS and ToDo lists receive the IDC Interface Document Control procedure
PLM Office – Erweiterte Funktionalität der Aktenzeichen
PLM Office - Extended functionality of the file number
PLM Office – Anpassungen – Strukturbaum aus PLM DMS Auswahlsätze
PLM Office - Modifications - Structure tree from PLM DMS selection sets
PLM DMS – DCC – Vorlagenüberwachen durch das Quelldokument
PLM DMS - DCC - Template monitoring by the source document
PLM 3D / ISOGEN – PISOGEN – Erweiterung zur Generierung von Leitungsgruppe
PLM 3D / ISOGEN - PISOGEN - Extension for generating piping groups
PLM DMS kann jetzt analoge Stempel rechtegesteuert in PDF-Dokumente einfügen
PLM DMS can now insert analogue stamps into PDF documents right-controlled
PLM-DMS/DCI – DCC Favoriten
PLM DMS/DCI - DCC Favourites
PLM DMS – DC Phasen Controlling verbindet Dokumentenphase und Dokumentenzweck
PLM DMS - DC Phasen Controlling combines document phase and document purpose
PLM PDE – Statusmeldung projektkonformer Norm- und ICS Bauteilauswahl
PLM PDE - Status report of project-conform standard and ICS component selection
PLM – Neues Excel Plugin zur Übergabe von PLM Datenbankfelder
PLM - New Excel plugin for transferring PLM database fields
PLM DMS – Archivierung von Korrekturprozessen im Revisions-Freigabeverfahren
PLM DMS - archiving of correction processes in the revision-release procedure
PLM DMS – Erweiterung des DMS Revisions-Freigabeverfahren
PLM DMS - Extension of the DMS revision release procedure
PLM DMS – Neues Word Plugin zur Übergabe von PLM Datenbankfelder
PLM DMS - New Word Plugin for transferring PLM database fields
PLM 3D – Erweiterung des 3D Schnellentwurf mit Stücklistenausgabe
PLM 3D - Extension of the 3D quick design with parts list output
PLM Office / DMS – Angleichung der Strukturbäume in PLM Office und PLM-DMS
PLM Office / DMS - alignment of the structure trees in PLM Office and PLM-DMS
Raumabwicklungen mit Zuweisung von Belastungsstufen auf einem Flächenraster
Space development with allocation of load levels on a surface grid
PMC Project Monitoring and Controlling

The basis is the delimitation of the requirements from the requirements in the project, whereby the offer, order, contract, lots, award of contract, engineering, assembly, commissioning, handover and final documentation are defined as milestones. Essentially, documents are created which are to be monitored according to their category, according to their target fulfilment according to the project phases. During the recording, generation and transfer of project activities, the metadata leave traces that can be used for project monitoring. If the movement profiles of the metadata are linked with algorithms, the activity can be mapped in the project development phase. Since all activities in PLM are stored in the PLM database, documentation and controlling can be realised particularly easily via SQL statements.

  • PProject monitoring
  • PMonitoring communication
  • PMonitoring of documents
  • PMonitoring process data and EMSR data
  • PDefinition of the target conditions
  • PTest procedure
  • PTransfer procedures
  • PQM
  • PStart-up cold and warm
  • PHandover and final documentation

The PLM 4.0 software family offers an electronic monitoring system for consultants, planners, installers and operators based on the metadata, which logs and monitors the process. Due to the lot structure in PMS, further subdivisions of the project are possible. As in the project the subsystems for construction, assembly, commissioning, documentation and assessment etc. are a basis for the subdivision, the lot structure should take this fact into account.
This eliminates the need for multiple assignments and minimises the workload for the workflow and controlling. Milestones for controlling should be assigned to the lots (and thus also to the subsystems). Various sets of rules, regulations, standards and the contract with the customer form the checklist for project controlling.

Latest Product News:
VGB Kurztexte um alternative Kurztexte erweitern
Extend VGB short texts with alternative short texts
Revisionshistorie bei der Rücknahme einer Revision beibehalten
Retain revision history when withdrawing a revision
PLM Office Übersichtsfenster Zeitraumeinstellung
PLM Office Overview Window Period Setting
Pfade in ACAD / PLM Referenzmanager und Topic ADT in Navisworks
Paths in ACAD / PLM Reference Manager and Topic ADT in Navisworks
Rück-Transmittal aus einem Eingangs-Transmittal
Return transmittal from an input transmittal
DMS Erweiterung Mehrfachzuweisung zu einem ToDo
DMS extension Multiple assignment to a ToDo
Die Label der Vorgänge je Vorgangstype und Sprache
The label of the processes per process type and language
DMS – kontrollierter Applikationsstart
DMS - controlled application start
Navisworks Revisionierung in DMS
Navisworks revision in DMS
Transmittal aus der PLM E-Mail mit DMS Dokumenten erzeugen
Create Transmittal from PLM e-mail with DMS documents
DMS Schnellsuche
DMS Quick Search
DMS Export Erweiterung
DMS Export Extension
Transmittal Eingang
Transmittal input
Aufgaben im „ToDo Redlining“ erhalten eine Primärfarben Zuordnung
Tasks in "ToDo Redlining" receive a primary colour assignment
Umbenennen von PDE Objekten
Rename PDE objects
Typenzuordnung des ToDo Verfahren mit Ablage der Reports zur Revision oder Version
Type assignment of the ToDo procedure with storage of the reports for revision or version
Mehrere L & L Reports zu einem Datencontainer
Several L & L reports for one data container
ToDo Admin (TA) und Aufgabenverantwortliche (AV) im WF
ToDo Admin (TA) and Task Responsible (AV) in WF
ToDo für eigene Zeichnungskommentare und Freigabe Status
ToDo for own drawing comments and release status
PLM Office Post aus DMS
PLM Office Post from DMS
Change Request CR durch Vorgang-Aktenzeichen in DMS einbringen
Bring Change Request CR into DMS by process file number
PLM-DMS/DCI – DCC Favoriten
PLM-DMS/DCI – DCC Favoriten
Document Control Konfigurationen auf andere Projekte übertragen
Transfer Document Control configurations to other projects
Steuerung von temporären Zugriffsrechten über ein ToDo
Control of temporary access rights via a ToDo
Optimierte Darstellung der PLM Office Fristen
Optimised display of PLM Office deadlines
PLM 3D Anpassung für die Anschluss Möglichkeit „aufgesetztes Rohr“
PLM 3D adaptation for the connection option "attached tube"
DMS und ToDo Listen erhalten das IDC Interface Document Control Verfahren
DMS and ToDo lists receive the IDC Interface Document Control procedure
PLM Office – Erweiterte Funktionalität der Aktenzeichen
PLM Office - Extended functionality of the file number
PLM Office – Anpassungen – Strukturbaum aus PLM DMS Auswahlsätze
PLM Office - Modifications - Structure tree from PLM DMS selection sets
PLM DMS – DCC – Vorlagenüberwachen durch das Quelldokument
PLM DMS - DCC - Template monitoring by the source document
PLM 3D / ISOGEN – PISOGEN – Erweiterung zur Generierung von Leitungsgruppe
PLM 3D / ISOGEN - PISOGEN - Extension for generating piping groups
PLM DMS kann jetzt analoge Stempel rechtegesteuert in PDF-Dokumente einfügen
PLM DMS can now insert analogue stamps into PDF documents right-controlled
PLM-DMS/DCI – DCC Favoriten
PLM DMS/DCI - DCC Favourites
PLM DMS – DC Phasen Controlling verbindet Dokumentenphase und Dokumentenzweck
PLM DMS - DC Phasen Controlling combines document phase and document purpose
PLM PDE – Statusmeldung projektkonformer Norm- und ICS Bauteilauswahl
PLM PDE - Status report of project-conform standard and ICS component selection
PLM – Neues Excel Plugin zur Übergabe von PLM Datenbankfelder
PLM - New Excel plugin for transferring PLM database fields
PLM DMS – Archivierung von Korrekturprozessen im Revisions-Freigabeverfahren
PLM DMS - archiving of correction processes in the revision-release procedure
PLM DMS – Erweiterung des DMS Revisions-Freigabeverfahren
PLM DMS - Extension of the DMS revision release procedure
PLM DMS – Neues Word Plugin zur Übergabe von PLM Datenbankfelder
PLM DMS - New Word Plugin for transferring PLM database fields
PLM 3D – Erweiterung des 3D Schnellentwurf mit Stücklistenausgabe
PLM 3D - Extension of the 3D quick design with parts list output
PLM Office / DMS – Angleichung der Strukturbäume in PLM Office und PLM-DMS
PLM Office / DMS - alignment of the structure trees in PLM Office and PLM-DMS
Raumabwicklungen mit Zuweisung von Belastungsstufen auf einem Flächenraster
Space development with allocation of load levels on a surface grid


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