With PLM-PLANET i4.0, documentation and engineering services are integrated into a contemporary value-added chain and made usable with modern tools.
The latest News:

Industry Standards with System!
PLM-PLANET i4.0 keeps your design teams productive wherever they are, even without the cloud.
Cross-trade tools and data exchange support the rework. Quotations, planning, controlling, lists ... everything is in the workflow. Work with PLM and Microsoft Office Plugin to optimize your data exchange.

Documentation, Controlling and Commissioning
Use the existing data!
Changes to the design are reflected in the documentation and are immediately available to everyone once they have been processed. Make your documentation visible, actionable and secure your knowledge.

Servicing / Maintenance
Maintenance and Servicing may not be an island!
Only by combining planning, updated documentation, maintenance orders and troubleshooting can you effectively save costs.
When information is always up to date and available where it is needed, decisions can be made more reliably and quickly.

Deconstruction Strategy
With Strategy and Documentation!
If required, document each pollutant measurement, mass measurement, area determination, and installation and dismantling step up to the radiation atlas in accordance with the AtG.

Administrative Areas
- Office Organization
- Team Organization
- Systems catalogue
- Rights & Roles
- Communication

Organization Areas
- Project Management
- Document Management
- Document Organization
- facility management
- Risk analysis
- Risk Assessment

Design tools
- Planning support through 3D navigation
- Process Engineering
- 3D planning
- Secondary constructions
- EMSR / Functional diagrams

Information System
- AS-Built Documentation
- Compiled documentation
- Outsourcing Manager
- Intranet portal

Dismantling Tools
- Documentation of dismantling & retreat
- Pollutant & Radiology detection
- Replacement infrastructure planning
- Space, surface & mass coverage
- Visualization of the retreat