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Transfer Document Control configurations to other projects

Transfer Document Control configurations to other projects

Meldung vom: April 2020

The project phases (e.g. basic engineering, construction, detail engineering) available in the Document Control Module for controlling the project execution, through which the revision procedure is controlled, offer extensive configuration options for a project.

To reduce configuration work when creating new projects, this module has been extended with a selectable copy function.
Now DC phase configurations can also be transferred to other projects and systems in a dialogue-driven manner.

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PLM DMS - DC Phasen Controlling combines document phase and document purpose

PLM DMS - DC Phasen Controlling combines document phase and document purpose

Meldung vom: November 2019

Project processing (revision procedures) can be divided into a fixed sequence in DocWorkState, such as basic engineering, detail engineering, etc. Subordinate document purposes, such as "for review", "for approval" or "for attestation", etc., describe what is to happen to the document, also in a fixed order.

Within the framework of DC Phase Controlling, the DocWorkState now becomes the "DC Phase" and the document purpose becomes the "Action" package. For each "Action" package there is a ToDo template that controls the revision process. This is assigned to the action package.

The combination of a DC phase with the different "action" packages results in a DC structure tree.
The DC phases link the individual steps in the project flow with the PLM project management and ensure that the stored documentation has passed through the individual processing steps of the revision procedure in a controlled manner during the project flow.

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