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Return transmittal from an input transmittal

Return transmittal from an input transmittal

Message from: July 2021

A new function "Return Transmittal" has been developed in the ToDo, which automatically generates a new transmittal when the ToDo is completed.




The return means of transport generated from the incoming means of transport after completion of the ToDo contains the documents of the incoming means of transport, whereby the sender and recipient are swapped. Further processing of the new transmittal takes place as usual. Further documents (redlining / comment reports, test certificates, etc.) can be added to the transmittal via the DMS document status dialogue.

DMS extension Multiple assignment to a ToDo

DMS extension Multiple assignment to a ToDo

Message from: July 2021

As part of an extension of the DMS functionalities, the possibility of assigning several documents to a ToDo was created.



In DMS, a group of documents can be assigned to a new transmission for dispatch. This is done in the dialogue "Document selection and dispatch". Using the extension now created, several selected documents can be transferred to a new ToDo to be created. Here, too, a template for the ToDo can be specified during execution.

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The label of the processes per process type and language

The label of the processes per process type and language

Message from: June 2021

The table for the description of tasks (Ticket_Type) has been extended by 3 new classifications (Label), also in bilingual view German / English.



These 6 new table entries are additional information on "Content", "Activity" and "Reason" in German / English. The labels of the activities are displayed differently depending on the activity type and language. An activity type can be e.g. a "Claim", "Request", "File number", "DMS file number".

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Create Transmittal from PLM e-mail with DMS documents

Create Transmittal from PLM e-mail with DMS documents

Message from: April 2021

Most documents for verification are sent by email or post. These can now be directly integrated into the Transmittal process.


Emails can be checked directly into the Office via the Planet Outlook plugin. From the email or mail environment of the PLM Office, the documents can be transferred directly to DMS via DCI or assigned to a transmittal. In the Office Manager, the Transmittal tree is called up via the Transmittal No.. *.zip files are transferred directly to DMS and unpacked there.

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PLM Office Post from DMS

PLM Office Post from DMS

Meldung vom: July 2020

A direct connection from DMS to PLM Office Post has been created, so it is possible to exchange documents between DMS and Office in a controlled manner, both inbound and outbound.




DMS is a system for the revision and versioning of technical documentation as well as management via DCC and various search functionalities (e.g. according to KKS). For correspondence, Office Post's transaction processing is optimised; recipient and sender data can be managed via Office Variables. For ease of use, a Post Wizard has been created for the controlled transfer of documents via DCI from DMS to Office Post and vice versa. Controlled means that before sending, a revision is created in DMS and further processing is blocked in Office.

Bring Change Request CR into DMS by process file number

Bring Change Request CR into DMS by process file number

Message from: June 2020

In order to record the process-specific processing of technical documentation in PLM planets as part of "change management", a PLM process was introduced. This PLM process is now listed in a tree in DMS and can be used as a filter.




Of course, several processes can be assigned to one document. In the tree, the processes are listed according to request type (e.g. claim, change for request), according to "own" or "third-party" company and the stored key (e.g. AKZ, RFC). A cover sheet can be created for a process, and the most recently assigned process is displayed on the DocInfo page.

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PLM Office - Extended functionality of the file number

PLM Office - Extended functionality of the file number

Meldung vom: January 2020

In PLM Office the file number management has been extended. Thus the file numbers were upgraded to a "process", to which "process types" can be assigned in addition.

This makes it possible to organise the documents even more individually.
"Transaction types" such as claims often require an additional, separate schema for document numbers that is independent of document management and can be realised with this extension. Substructures that are classified and configured according to certain criteria, such as types, opponent claims, claim partners, own or third-party claims, can also be considered.

PLM Office - Modifications - Structure tree from PLM DMS selection sets

PLM Office - Modifications - Structure tree from PLM DMS selection sets

Meldung vom: January 2020

New customisation options in the PLM Office structure tree

The new function enables you to create individually selectable project and user nodes for each project in the PLM Office structure tree. Any number of documents from DMS can then be linked to these nodes as an additional sorting function.

PLM DMS can now insert analogue stamps into PDF documents right-controlled

PLM DMS can now insert analogue stamps into PDF documents right-controlled

Meldung vom: November 2019

The project phases (e.g. basic engineering, construction, detail engineering) available in the Document Control Module for controlling the project execution, through which the revision procedure is controlled, offer extensive configuration options for a project.

To reduce configuration work when creating new projects, this module has been extended with a selectable copy function.
Now DC phase configurations can also be transferred to other projects and systems in a dialogue-driven manner.

PLM DMS/DCI - DCC Favourites

PLM DMS/DCI - DCC Favourites

Meldung vom: November 2019

A new feature was implemented in both PLM DMS and DCI (Document Control Interface).

The DCC (Document Control Code) describes and classifies the type of documentation (e.g. FA010 for overview circuit diagram, FB030 for P&I flow diagram, FF040 for flow chart, etc.) In order to optimise the DCC selection, it is now possible to create a favourites list for certain DCC codes within a table. Both "employee" and "department" can be used as filters for the list.

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