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Several L & L reports for one data container

Several L & L reports for one data container

Message from: October 2020

A new PLM print manager has been created that allows to create multiple List & Label (L & L) reports for one office object (email, mail, fax, note, deadline, LoP, protocol, ToDo).




The prerequisite is that the data container provided contains all the necessary print data. The creation, editing and deletion of reports is reserved for the admin, the ordinary user can only execute the report.

Related product area
PLM Office Post from DMS

PLM Office Post from DMS

Meldung vom: July 2020

A direct connection from DMS to PLM Office Post has been created, so it is possible to exchange documents between DMS and Office in a controlled manner, both inbound and outbound.




DMS is a system for the revision and versioning of technical documentation as well as management via DCC and various search functionalities (e.g. according to KKS). For correspondence, Office Post's transaction processing is optimised; recipient and sender data can be managed via Office Variables. For ease of use, a Post Wizard has been created for the controlled transfer of documents via DCI from DMS to Office Post and vice versa. Controlled means that before sending, a revision is created in DMS and further processing is blocked in Office.

PLM Office - Extended functionality of the file number

PLM Office - Extended functionality of the file number

Meldung vom: January 2020

In PLM Office the file number management has been extended. Thus the file numbers were upgraded to a "process", to which "process types" can be assigned in addition.

This makes it possible to organise the documents even more individually.
"Transaction types" such as claims often require an additional, separate schema for document numbers that is independent of document management and can be realised with this extension. Substructures that are classified and configured according to certain criteria, such as types, opponent claims, claim partners, own or third-party claims, can also be considered.

PLM Office / DMS - alignment of the structure trees in PLM Office and PLM-DMS

PLM Office / DMS - alignment of the structure trees in PLM Office and PLM-DMS

Meldung vom: May 2019

Selection records in DMS are controlled via a structure tree, which is divided into a "project structure" and an individual "user structure".

Analogous to this, the structure tree in PLM Office has been extended, which now offers improved sorting options for all Office objects such as email, fax, transmittal, appointments, protocols etc. The extended structure tree can now also be used in the mail wizard. The Mailwizard is part of the PLM Outlook plug-in and is used for exporting emails to PLM Office.

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