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DMS Export Extension

DMS Export Extension

Message from: March 2021

The existing quick selection for exporting files from DMS has been extended by a function with which additional documents can be transferred beyond the revision.

These additional documents can be, for example, PDF original, redlining (RL), comment (CM) and testate (T). This additional functionality appears in a dialogue that can also be used for transmittal creation, i.e. both input and return transmittal. The transfer of the additional documents can also be made to an existing Transmittal or to a new ToDo to be created.

Transmittal input

Transmittal input

Message from: February 2021

Upon receipt of documents to be processed, a transmittal is generated with sender, recipient, transfer report, etc. This transmittal takes over control in PLM. This transmittal takes over the control in PLM.

After receiving the files to be processed, they are checked into DMS via DCI and linked to the transmittal. The audit documents are subject to the normal audit run for an external audit. When the review run is complete and all documents are certified, a new transmittal is generated for dispatch, with the sender and recipient now swapped. The advantage is that all incoming documents remain as a group and can be called up as a group in DMS.

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Optimised display of PLM Office deadlines

Optimised display of PLM Office deadlines

Meldung vom: Apr 2020

In PLM Office, deadlines for completion can be assigned to the various objects such as ToDos, tasks, emails, appointments, transmittal, FAX, letters, protocols etc.

The Office overview page has now also been optimised in terms of deadline management and presentation. With the help of a structure tree, the deadlines can be sorted by origin, the deadline tracking is displayed visually on a time axis and has filter functions. If required, a PDF list with deadlines can be stored as a report either in PLM FAD or DMS.

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