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DMS extension Multiple assignment to a ToDo

DMS extension Multiple assignment to a ToDo

Message from: July 2021

As part of an extension of the DMS functionalities, the possibility of assigning several documents to a ToDo was created.



In DMS, a group of documents can be assigned to a new transmission for dispatch. This is done in the dialogue "Document selection and dispatch". Using the extension now created, several selected documents can be transferred to a new ToDo to be created. Here, too, a template for the ToDo can be specified during execution.

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Tasks in "ToDo Redlining" receive a primary colour assignment

Tasks in "ToDo Redlining" receive a primary colour assignment

Message from: January 2021

The ToDo for redlining has been extended with functionalities that enable visual highlighting in the form of different colours to the user.

For this purpose, various templates for the ToDo, the ToDo control, the redlining and the configuration must be adapted. Tasks in the ToDo are identified by a primary colour assignment. The primary colour is taken from the workflow configuration. For the actual redlining, secondary colours can be defined to highlight changes in the drawing PDF.

Type assignment of the ToDo procedure with storage of the reports for revision or version

Type assignment of the ToDo procedure with storage of the reports for revision or version

Message from: November 2020

As part of the ToDo procedure for the administration of L & L reports, the possibility was created to file reports in DMS for existing versions or revisions without having to go through a revision procedure in DMS.




For this purpose, the template for the ToDo procedure has been extended in such a way that a type assignment can now be made for the ToDo (0 = no function; 1= must be a revision or version; 2= revision procedure). E.g. if Type = 1 is set, it is only possible to select a version or revision pdf. The prerequisite for this is the corresponding rights for the administration of L & L reports.

Several L & L reports for one data container

Several L & L reports for one data container

Message from: October 2020

A new PLM print manager has been created that allows to create multiple List & Label (L & L) reports for one office object (email, mail, fax, note, deadline, LoP, protocol, ToDo).




The prerequisite is that the data container provided contains all the necessary print data. The creation, editing and deletion of reports is reserved for the admin, the ordinary user can only execute the report.

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ToDo Admin (TA) and Task Responsible (AV) in WF

ToDo Admin (TA) and Task Responsible (AV) in WF

Message from: September 2020

As part of the practical application process of a workflow (WF), it was necessary to expand and adapt the functionalities of a ToDo.




There is now the creator or initiator, the ToDo Admin (TA) and usually several task owners (AV). The TA has the same rights as the initiator, but can additionally delete tasks, users and documents, as well as appoint persons responsible for tasks. The CA is the person responsible for all documents of a task; there is at least one person responsible for each task, as the CA can delegate responsibilities. The CA can add further users to his task. For the completion of the WF, the TA appoints a finaliser, often identical to the creator. The TA thus has the function of central control and management of a WF.

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Keywords: To do | Workflow
ToDo for own drawing comments and release status

ToDo for own drawing comments and release status

Message from: August 2020

Every user can comment on, delete or change a document.




The release statuses A = Release without comment, B = Release with comment and C = Rejected have been extended.
The comments are created for the tasks within a to-do. The user can also create a release with or without a comment and with a flag and signature.
A list of the comments of all users and documents is made via a report in List & Label.

Related product area
Control of temporary access rights via a ToDo

Control of temporary access rights via a ToDo

Meldung vom: April 2020

In DMS, user rights (e.g. write rights) in the task force and role are defined. Sometimes, however, it is necessary to assign certain user rights only for a very limited period of time.

This requirement can now be achieved by a ToDo. The ToDo for associated DMS documents can be used to grant users write permission for the current processing for a short period of time and can also be withdrawn again.
The current user rights are displayed in the ToDo's task overview.

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Optimised display of PLM Office deadlines

Optimised display of PLM Office deadlines

Meldung vom: Apr 2020

In PLM Office, deadlines for completion can be assigned to the various objects such as ToDos, tasks, emails, appointments, transmittal, FAX, letters, protocols etc.

The Office overview page has now also been optimised in terms of deadline management and presentation. With the help of a structure tree, the deadlines can be sorted by origin, the deadline tracking is displayed visually on a time axis and has filter functions. If required, a PDF list with deadlines can be stored as a report either in PLM FAD or DMS.

DMS and ToDo lists receive the IDC Interface Document Control procedure

DMS and ToDo lists receive the IDC Interface Document Control procedure

Meldung vom: March 2020

The IDC is a procedure for checking PDF files checked into PLM DMS during an external audit. In line with the control of the IDC procedure, the PLM Office ToDo administration has now been extended accordingly with functionalities such as redlining and comments on the check documents.

Within the framework of the workflow, employees with main responsibility can be assigned to the todo on a discipline-related basis. Furthermore, the redlining can be structured hierarchically according to task steps.

PLM DMS - DC Phasen Controlling combines document phase and document purpose

PLM DMS - DC Phasen Controlling combines document phase and document purpose

Meldung vom: November 2019

Project processing (revision procedures) can be divided into a fixed sequence in DocWorkState, such as basic engineering, detail engineering, etc. Subordinate document purposes, such as "for review", "for approval" or "for attestation", etc., describe what is to happen to the document, also in a fixed order.

Within the framework of DC Phase Controlling, the DocWorkState now becomes the "DC Phase" and the document purpose becomes the "Action" package. For each "Action" package there is a ToDo template that controls the revision process. This is assigned to the action package.

The combination of a DC phase with the different "action" packages results in a DC structure tree.
The DC phases link the individual steps in the project flow with the PLM project management and ensure that the stored documentation has passed through the individual processing steps of the revision procedure in a controlled manner during the project flow.

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